Dr Name | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Room No |
Dr. Thomas Iype | Yes | No | No |
No |
No |
No |
Neurology OPD |
Dr. Srikumar B | No |
No | No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Neurology OPD |
Not available
Head of Department: Dr.Thomas Iype
Started Year: 1971
No.of Bedward wise: 40 beds , ward 5
No.of Units: 3
Out Patient Clinic : Monday, Thursday, Friday
Speciality Clinics
Memory Clinic , OP Days : Monday, Thursday, Sarturday, Room : Neurology OPD
The Department of Neurology, GMCH continues to be a leader in field of neurosciences, in providing quality health care, in teaching, and also in conducting cutting edge research. Based on the congent twin pillars of good clinical practice and sound science, the custodians of the Department of Neurology shaped the current face of neurology and what it stands for today
Neurology was one of the earliest super-specialties to develop in GMCH.As an infant, department of neurology was born on 1971. Growth of Neurology as a discipline in GMCH was fascinating through its early founders and generations which followed. The most honored pioneers of the department laid a solid foundation. With their dedicated efforts and sincerity, the Department of Neurology made great progress.
DM Superspecilaty training in Neurology was a dream to many Keralites until 1983, when DM course was started in GMCH under the leadership of Prof.Rajasekharan Nair .Since then there is no looking back. The department of Neurology has trained several neurologists and the training provided here is considered one of the best in the country.
Initially there were 10 beds and the space was shared by department of medicine. Later separate ward was allotted for male patients. In 2010, when Superspeciality Block was started, we had a 40 bedded ward and 16 bedded ICU. We were able to make a big leap by starting a full fledged Electrophysiology lab,sleep lab, Neurosonology lab and Plasmapheresis.
Outpatient services-The neurology service runs outpatient clinics on Monday,Thursday and Saturday. Patients with neurological disorders are referred from all over Kerala . On an average, about 400 patients are seen per day. There is a rising trend in the number of patients seen in the OPD in the past decade.
Inpatient services-The neurology inpatient services are extremely busy. Currently, the neurology in-patient has 40 general ward beds. Department shares SSB-MICU(16 bedded) with other medical super speciality departments Patients are admitted from the outpatient clinic and emergency services . At any point, a large number of critically sick patients with various diseases are under the care of neurology services.
Specialized clinical services
Stroke Unit-We are the first public sector hospital to launch thrombolysis in acute satroke and has provided free-of-cost treatment to the underprivileged strata of society. Stroke unit has been working 24hours with well equipped team led by on call neurologist for acute ischemic stroke patients. We are thrombolysing acute ischemic stroke patients who present to our side within 4.5hours. State wide inauguration of Online stroke thrombolysis was done in 2014. Acute stroke care protocols are well established in Stroke Unit.
Movement disorders -State of art care is given to patients with movement disorders including Parkinson's disease. Injecting botulinum toxin for various types of dystonia is given.
Epilepsy care-The Department of Neurology is giving best care for epilepsy care, especially for patients with medically refractory epilepsy. We have currently has 2 VEEG beds besides day care services.
Neuromuscular disorders-The Department of Neurology ,since its inception, has made significant contributions to the field of neuromuscular disorders. A state-of-the-art clinical electrophysiology laboratory is present in the department. The electrophysiology lab is equipped with facilities to assist the clinicians in the diagnosis and management of complex neurological disorders. Plasma exchange is routinely being done for the care of Gulian Barre Syndrome, longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis, CIDP and myasthenia patients..
Sleep medicine -The Department of Neurology started polysomnography for patients with sleep disorders..
Neuroinfections-The department has been on the forefront in the area of neuro-infections.Study on tubercular meningitis is ongoing under Prof.Thomas Iype.
Neuroimmunology-The department is actively involved in the diagnosis and clinical care of multiple sclerosis and other diseases like neuromyelitis optica, autoimmune encephalitis and other inflammatory disorders of the brain Plasmapheresis and administration of immunomodulators such as interferons and rituximab are routinely being performed under the close supervision of the faculty members.
Neuro degenerative disorders--Several cases of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are seen.Many cases of hereditary ataxias are being managed.
Clinical neurophysiology services- A state of art clinical neurophysiology lab is functional since the inception of the department, which has grown in strength over the decades. Nerve conduction study, EMG, repetitive nerve stimulation, evoked potential studies are being done.
Neurosonology Lab-Neck vessel Doppler and Transcranial Doppler studies are routinely done in our department.
Faculty Details
No. of Professor: 2
No. of Additional Professors: 1
No. of Associate Professors: 1
No. of Assistant Professors: 4
No.of Senior Residents: 2
No.of Nurses: 8
Biomedical Equipments available
Other services
Out Patient Clinic : All days
a. DM Neurology course was started in 1983.Initially intake was one seat per year. It was increased to five per year since 2010.
Day |
Activity |
Monday |
Topic presentation |
Tuesday |
Electrophysiology discussion |
Wednesday |
Clinical case discussion |
Thursday |
Seminar |
Friday |
Journal club |
Saturday |
Radiology club |
Name of Resident |
Period |
Dr.Dhanesh Kumar |
1983-85 |
Dr.Rani Bhaskaran |
1984-86 |
Dr.Manorama Devi |
1985-87 |
Dr.P.Gopalapillai |
1986-88 |
Dr.Shaji Prabhakaran |
1987-89 |
Dr.P.A.Muhammed Kunju |
1988-90 |
Dr.Thomas Iype |
1989-91 |
Dr.B.Srikumar |
1990-92 |
Dr.James Jose |
1991-93 |
Dr.Mary Iype |
1992-94 |
Dr.Andrews |
1993-95 |
Dr.Dinesh |
1994-96 |
Dr.Shibu Eapen |
1995-97 |
Dr.Prakash |
1996-98 |
Dr.Vinod Thampi |
1998-2000 |
Dr.M.Raghavan Naik |
1999-2002 |
Dr.D.Kalpana |
2001-04 |
Dr.Anilkumar .T.V |
2001-04 |
Dr.Deepak Kumar |
2001-04 |
Dr.Shahanas |
2002-05 |
Dr.Syamlal |
2003-06 |
Dr.K.A.Kabeer |
2004-07 |
Dr.Byju.P |
2005-08 |
Dr.Chithra P |
2006-09 |
Dr.Ranjit Sanu Watson |
2006-09 |
Dr.Haris.A.A |
2006-09 |
Dr.Sinchu.CM |
2006-09 |
Dr.Praveen |
2007-10 |
Dr.Roy Thomas |
2008-11 |
Dr.Saumya.C.V |
2009-12 |
Dr.Ayyappan.K |
2010-13 |
Dr.Deepak.D |
2010-13 |
Dr.Bindu Varghese |
2010-13 |
Dr.Remya Prakash |
2010-13 |
Dr.Sandeep.P |
2010-13 |
Dr.Deep P Pillai |
2011-14 |
Dr.Dileep.R |
2011-14 |
Dr.Divya. S.Nair |
2011-14 |
Dr.Joban John |
2011-14 |
Dr.Krishnadas.N.C |
2011-14 |
Dr.Jeslin.J |
2012-15 |
Dr.Nazeem.P.K |
2012-15 |
Dr.Murugan.C.Nair |
2012-15 |
Dr.Sony Smitha |
2012-15 |
Dr.Susanth M J |
2012-15 |
Dr.BenjaminRamacha |
2013-16 |
Dr.Krishnapriya |
2013-16 |
Dr.Neetha Balaram |
2013-16 |
Dr.Praveen Panicker |
2013-16 |
Dr.Rimpy Joseph |
2013-16 |
2. DNT(diploma in Neuro-Technology) course of two years duration (Four seats per year).
Name of DNT trainee |
Vipin V |
2009 |
Shamila.S |
2009 |
Lakshmi Chandran |
2009 |
Gopika A T |
2009 |
Babisha T K |
2010 |
Vishnupriya V J |
2010 |
Krishnapriya A |
2010 |
Sijimol T |
2010 |
Hema B Nair |
2011 |
Jeeja Muhammed R |
2011 |
Surumi S |
2011 |
Vijila |
2011 |
Anamika Raj |
2012 |
Anju.S |
2012 |
Anuja R P |
2012 |
Sherin S |
2012 |
Sruthi Madhu Y |
2013 |
Mariyam S |
2013 |
Jisa Sam |
2014 |
Fathima F |
2014 |
Arsharaj |
2014 |
Sruthy V S |
2014 |
3. CME conducted
1) Epilepsy Update CME on 27/11/2016
2) Annual Teaching Course for final year DM residents was conducted with assistance of KAN.
3) STROKE UPDATE- A new monthly programme for orienting and training residents in the field of Stroke Neurology was started.
November 2015-Dr.Chithra.P- Stroke recent management guidelines
December 2015-Dr.Dileep.R –Stroke Radiology
March 2016- Dr.Dileep.R –Stroke Radiology part-2
July 2016- Dr.Mathew Koshy , HOD Cardiology , NAOC in AF
4. Publications
1.Ajith Cherian,Shaik,Afshan, Jabeen ,Rukmini,Mridula,Kandadai, Thomas Iype, Pallavi,Moturi,Muralidharan Reddy,Meena.A.K, Rupam Borgohain,Sandeep.P Epilepsy with myoclonic absences in siblings Brain and Development 2014.
2.Ajith Cherian,C.V.Soumya,Thomas Iype, Mini mathew,P.Sandeep, Jeslin.K,Chitra.P Posterior reversible encephalopathy with PLEDS Plus due to Mesalamine. Journal Of neurosciences in Rural Practice Jan march 2014. Vol 5. issue 1
3.Iype T ,Kunjukrishnapilla A,Cherian.A, Nujum.z,Pushpa.C, Dae D,Krishnapilla .V Major Outcomes of patients with Tuberculous meningitis on Directly observed regime thrice a week, Annals of indian academey of neurology 2014:17:281-6
5. Awards and prizes
Dr.Jesslin Joseph got first prize in KAN state conference for best paper presentation- A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY ON PYOGENIC MENINGITIS
Dr.Benjamin Ramacha got second prize for best paper presentation in NSI state conference-LOCAL STEROID INJECTION IN CTS
Dr.Neetha Balaram attended final round of National TYSA Neurology Quiz competiton
Dr.Divya.S.Nair has won first prize in IAN QUIZ COMPETITION conducted at NIMHANS Bangalore .She also won second prize in SHINE quiz completion held in Chennai.
Dr.Dileep.R got second prize for paper presentation in KAN Kerala state conference 2014 and second prize for paper presentation in NSI Kerala conference 2015.
Dr.Neetha Balaram and Dr.Benjamin Ramacha were selected for TYSA South Zone competition 2015.
National IANCCON 2016 KOLKOTTA - Poster by Dr.Dileep.R , CSA of median nerve in CTS
National-IAN CONFERENCE –AGRA 2015 October.
Long term outcome of Intermittent anti tuberculous therapy for Brain Tuberculoma in immunocompetent patients: an observational study by Dr.Thomas Iype
Bifid median nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome by Dr.Dileep.R
State conferences
Dr.Benjamin Ramacha - NSI state conference-LOCAL STEROID INJECTION IN CTS
1) Detiorating stroke-determining factors
2) Clinical profile and electrophysiologic evolution in GBS
3) Carpal tunnel syndrome-effectiveness of steroid injection
4) Wrist Ultrasound in the diagnosis of CTS
5) Follow up of neurotuberculosis
6)Follow up Parkinsonian cohort.
7)KNIT study
Succession List:
lab,neurosonology lab and plasmapheresis.
Si No |
Name of HOD |
Period |
1 |
Dr.G.Vasudeva Iyer |
1972-82 |
2 |
Dr. K.Rajasekharan Nair |
1982-95 |
3 |
Dr.Madhusoodhanan.M |
1996(5/96-7/96) |
4 |
Dr.Mathew Cherian |
1996-97 |
5 |
Dr.Rani Bhaskaran |
1997-2004 |
6 |
Dr.Shaji Prabhakaran |
2004-06 |
7 |
Dr.S.R.Chandra |
2006-09 |
8 |
Dr.Thomas Iype |
2009- |