Dr Name | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Room No |
Dr. Rema. P | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 0 |
Not available
Started Year : 1952
The department of Forensic Medicine was born in 1952 and initially attached to the Department of Community Medicine. Dr.S.S Pillai, former Professor of Community Medicine was the first part time Professor of the Department. Late under the Tutelage of Dr.M Thangavelu, former Professor the Pathology and Principal and independent department was formed, with Dr.V Kanthaswamy was appointed as the full time Professor in 1966.He was the founder father of this Department whose farsight and vision gave the Department its present form. Later under the able guidance and leadership of former Professor - Dr.V K Jayapalan, Dr.Sivasankaran Pillai , Dr.B Umadethan , Dr.G Nelson and Dr.G Sujathan , the Department was able to make rapid studies in both Medico-legal and academic fields. Post Graduate Degree in Forensic Medicine was started in 1971,and has earned the recognition of the Indian Medical Council. Medico-legal autopsies were undertaken by the department from 1955 on-wards.The Department was upgraded to the status of State Medicolegal Institute in1986 and Dr.V K Jayapalan was appointed as the first Director.In addition to the courses offered the department offers training to the students of M D Pathology, DMLT, Bsc MLT ,BAMS and BHMS.
- ⇒All modern amenities like OHP, Slide Projector,Digital Light Processor for teaching purposes.
- ⇒Full fledged Museum Lecture Hall with Audio Visual Facility.
- ⇒Laboratory for doing Histopathology work.
- ⇒Autopsy Theater
- ⇒Cold chambers- 2 Nos. for storing 12 + 8 dead bodies