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In 2013, the Department of Health Research (DHR), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of India has sanctioned a scheme ‘Establishment of Multi-Disciplinary Research Units (MRUs) in the Government Medical Colleges/Research Institutions’ during the 12th Plan period at Government Medical College Thiruvananthapuram. The major focus of the scheme involves “Promotion, Coordination and Development of Basic, Applied and Clinical Research” in medical colleges.  The proposed grant-in-aid from DHR includes an amount of Rs.5.00 crore as non recurring and a separate one time installment of Rs. 25 Lakhs for civil works. Financial assistance of Rs.19.23 Lakhs per annum for meeting the recurring expenditure towards staff to be engaged on contractual basis and Rs.15 Lakhs per annum towards consumables/training/contingencies will also be provided for a period of five years.

So far we have received financial assistance from the Govt. of India, Rs. 2.25 crore as non-recurring and Rs. 53.18 Lakhs towards recurring funds. The fund has been utilized for the purchase of advanced molecular biology equipments and established a laboratory.  In 2018 the Govt. of Kerala has sanctioned an amount of Rs. 83.30 Lakhs as state share toward the furnishing of MRU. Initially the MRU lab has occupied in the State Reference Laboratory (SRL) of Dept. of Microbiology for a period of 5 years and in October 2018 we have shifted to new Multi Disciplinary Research Laboratory (MDRL) building at Govt. Medical College Thiruvananthapuram.

The Government of Kerala has sanctioned a Multi Disciplinary Research Laboratory (MDRL) and a modern Animal house facility at Govt. Medical College Thiruvananthapuram for an estimated cost of Rs. 28 crores in 2013.  The MRU laboratory is now functioning in the first floor for MDRL with more than 4000 sqft laboratory area. The MDRL is a four storied building with an area of 55000 sq. feet and animal house is with an area of 9000 sq feet. Other than MRU the MDRL contain Virus Research and Diagnostics Laboratory (VRDL), genetics, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, drug designing, physiology, and community medicine laboratories. The upcoming multi disciplinary research facilities are now in a stage of transition towards molecular diagnostics as well as teaching areas too.


Ongoing projects

  • Principal Investigator: Dr. Ramesh Rajan, Professor, Dept. of Surgical Gastroenterology, Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Title: Frequency of Sporadic and Genetically Determined Microsatellite Instability (MSI) In Colorectal Carcinoma.


  • Principal Investigator: Dr. Noble Gracious S. S, Associated Professor, Dept. of Nephrology, Govt. Medical College Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Title: Study of levels of BAFF and APRIL in patients with IgA Nephropathy and its clinical significance. 


  • Principal Investigator: Dr. C. Jayakumari, Additional professor, Department of endocrinology, Govt. Medical College Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Title: Social, Biochemical and Genetic Risk  Factors of Autoimmune Thyroiditis.


  • Principal Investigator: Dr. Simon George, Regional Institute of Ophthalmology Government Medical College.  Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Title: Determination of the biomarkers associated with the risk of diabetic retinopathy in diabetic patients in Kerala – A pilot study.


  • Principal Investigator:  Dr. Kalesh S, Assistant Professor, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Medical College Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Title: Immuno-translational profiling of bio-molecular signaling pathways in keloids-a preliminary study.


  • Principal Investigator:  Mr. Ratheesh G.B, Senior Scientific Assistant (Physiology), Govt. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, A study to quantify Bisphenol A in  serum and investigate the extant of oxidative stress and DNA damage among adult individuals inhabiting in a southern State of India.

Staff & Alumini Members


Dr. Krishna. G, Professor and HOD, Department of Pathology and Nodal officer 

Dr. Sreejith. P.S, Research Scientist, MRU

Dr. Anoop. M, Research Scientist, MRU

Mrs. Lekshmi. V.G, Technician, MRU 

Mrs. Manjusha, Technician, MRU



Dr. Sankar. S, Professor of Pathology and Nodal officer (2013-2016)

Mrs. Sreelekhmi, Technician, MRU (2015- 2017)

The Local Research Advisory Committee (LRAC) Members

Dr. C. C. Kartha 

Chairman of LRAC (Former HOD, Molecular Cardiology Department, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology Thiruvananthapuram)

Dr. S. Murthy Srinivasulu

Co-Chairman of LRAC (Scientist, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram)

Dr. Vijesh K Sreedhar 

ICMR Nominee of LRAC (Scientist, Vector Control Research Centre, Puduchery)

Dr. Sankar V.H 

LRAC member (Associate Professor, Sre Avitom Tirunal Hospital Thiruvananthapuram)

Dr. T.R. Santhosh Kumar

LRAC external Member (Scientist, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Thiruvananthapuram)

Dr. G. Srinivas 

LRAC external Member (Scientist, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology Thiruvananthapuram)

Dr. P. Jeemon  

LRAC external Member (Scientist, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Sciences- Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology Thiruvananthapuram)

Dr. Thomas Iype 

IRC Chairman and LRAC Member (Professor, Dept. of Neurology GMCT)

Dr. K.R. Chandramohana Nair

LRAC member (Senior Scientific Officer, Dept. of Anatomy, GMCT)  

Dr. Krishna G 

Nodal Officer MRU GMCT (Professor of Pathology, Dept. of Pathology GMCT)


Grant writing workshop

Multidisciplinary Research Unit, Govt. Medical College Thiruvananthapuram conducted a Grant writing workshop on 3rd and 4th of May 2019 in association with the Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies (ACMCHSS), Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram. Dr. Jeemon P, Assistant Professor of ACMCHSS was the course director. Classes were handled by experts from ACMCHSS, Sree Avittom Tirunal hospital and Vector control Research centre (VCRC) Puduchery).  A total of 30 delegates were participated in the workshop. Each session was followed by open discussion. The two day program concluded at 3.00 PM on May 4th.

                                                                                3rd  and 4th May 2019

Why grant writing is important and Steps in grant writing

Dr. Jeemon Panniyammakal

How to frame a research question?

Dr. Jeemon Panniyammakal

Group work on framing research question


Building a research portfolio (importance of core research agenda and collaborations) 

Prof. Harikrishnan S

Commandments in grant writing

Dr. Jeemon Panniyammakal

Open forum to discuss about institutional requirements

Dr. Sankar V.H

Common reasons for rejection of grant application 

Dr. Jeemon Panniyammakal

Funding opportunities 

Dr. Vijesh K Sreedhar

India Alliance funding schemes for researchers 

Dr. Antony Stanley

The art of grant writing 

Dr. Jeemon Panniyammakal

Justification of resources

Dr. Hisham Moosan

Writing data management and statistical analyses plan

Dr. Jeemon Panniyammakal

Preparing the Gantt Chart

Dr. Hisham Moosan

Addressing reviewers’ comments. 

Dr. Jeemon Panniyammakal


  1. PS Sreejith, K R Chandramohanan Nair, et al., 2019. Patient with Disorders of Sex Development (DSD): A Case Report from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, India. 20 ( 3) 191-194. http://www.jri.ir/article/60048
  2. PS Sreejith, K R Chandramohanan Nair. 2019. Influence of affluence in the choice of assisted reproductive technology and why it warrants a policy change. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 29 (4).   www.eubios.info  ISSN 2350-3106. 


  1. KR Chandramohanan Nair and PS Sreejith presented a poster in 14th World congress of Bioethics (14th WCB2018) at Bangalore 2018 titled” Influence of affluence in the treatment of Assisted Reproductive Technology’’.


Completed Work

  • Principal Investigator: Dr K R Chandramohanan Nair, Senior Scientific Officer, Dept. of Anatomy, Govt. Medical College Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Title: Genetic cause of male infertility among Kerala population: study on cytogenetics and Y chromosome micro-deletions.


  • Principal investigator: Dr Prema NS, Additional Professor of Pathology, Dept. of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Kollam.
  • Title: Molecular and Immunohistochemical study to identify the role of HR-HPV in etiopathogenesis of premalignancies and malignancies of Oro pharynx and larynx and correlation with other risk factors.

Contact Details

Multidisciplinary Research unit (MRU)

Room No. B5, First Floor

Multi Disciplinary Research Laboratories (MDRL) building

Government Medical College Campus

Medical College P.O

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 

PIN- 695 011


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Multidisciplinary Research Unit (first floor in MDRL)

C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\MRU_Web site 09 08 2019\MRU_MDRL_Photo FOR WEB SITE\DSC_6085.JPG


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