Facility Details

Facility Details


Department Lab

  • Department Lab

A research lab is functioning in the Department of BioChemistry

  2. Blood Urea
  3. S.Creatinine
  4. S.Uric Acid
  5. S.Total protein
  6. S.Albumin
  7. SGOT
  8. SGPT
  9. Alkaline phosphatase
  10. S Cholesterol
  11. S Triglyceride
  12. S Calcium
  13. S phosphorus
  14. S Potassium
  15. S Sodium
  16. Serum protein electrophoresis
  17. Haemoglobin electrophoresis
  18. Lipid profile
  19. ABG analysis
  20. T3
  21. T4
  22. TSH
  23. fT3
  24. fT4
  25. Anti TPO
  26. FSH
  27. LH
  28. Polactin
  29. PSA
  30. CA 125
  31. CA 19.9
  32. CEA
  33. AFP
  34. Ferrtin
  35. TroponinI
  36. CK MB
  37. Hb AIC
  38. URINE pH
  39. 24 hr urine protein
  40. Urine metabolic screening(chemical method)
  41. Urine VMA - screening
  42. CSF analysis